it's long time this idea waiting and need to be visualize, but it's so hard to finish working on it, lot of ironic and “guilty” feeling to finish this work, but when I discuss with some friends, about how sensitive this issue? Does it will be bad feeling impact to the victims? For local and foreigner friends they support me to finish this. Without reducing the respect and sympathy to all of the victim and their families I made this art work.
The idea are about suicide bomb tragedy 12 October 2002 in Bali, it kill 202 peoples and 209 on serious wound.
It all about differences peoples on interpretation about their religious ideology and they use religion for their apatite to killing.
it all about politic or economic etc, it all blur in that situation and the more serious impact became latter after the tragedy, sweeping almost every where specially for the non Balinese, trauma for the family who their sons, wife or husband have killed, jobless etc..
Bali was the sign for the community should begin to realize that only rely on tourism in developing all aspects of community life is very fragile as a foothold. How agricultural lands that are sold out to change the golf course, shop, hotel and restaurant, hills and lakes into a row of villas, all see tourism as a wetland to collect a more dollars.
And when there is a bomb exploded in the crowded center of tourism in Bali as it all collapsed, until the joints social community that once considered solid eventually needs to review again.
Post-bomb Bali tragedy paradox of many events, how the ceremony performed a major cleanup around the scene of an accident which cost quite a bit, and there be seen how the Balinese culture which is always "fun" by sharing a recent religious ritual was "intentionally" in their execution in exaggerate again because it is proven to attract tourists. That disaster happened to be transformed into a tourist attraction, a memorial created tragedy happened as a "sign" a tragedy in itself and the edges become "the pose" in photo album memories when visiting Bali.
One that I am has questioning now, why a humanity tragedy in our political background in 1965 was never “celebrated”? Let’s not talk in the celebrating it, discussion on it will become a taboo for our society. Why? Because it no interest or attracting to tourism?

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